Outsource to Brazil

Hire Remote Teams in Brazil

Tap into Brazil’s vibrant talent pool to drive your business forward. 我们的离岸外包解决方案将您与技术娴熟的人才联系在一起,他们将在显著降低您的运营成本的同时,为您带来卓越的成果.

Outsource Strategic Functions to Brazil

从数据录入和软件开发专业人员到客户服务和IT支持, 我们授权您的组织雇用员工,并扩大与巴西的顶尖人才.

Why Employees Hire in Brazil?

巴西为那些希望扩大远程运营并利用多样化和充满活力的人才库的企业提供了一个引人注目的机会, while ensuring compliance with local labor laws.

Cost-Effective Talent Acquisition

通过在巴西世界杯足彩高技能的专业人员,可以减少高达70%的运营费用, where the employee’s salary is often lower compared to other regions. The favorable exchange rate and lower living costs, combined with Brazil’s national minimum wage of R$1,302 per month, 让它成为企业在不牺牲质量的前提下优化预算的战略选择.

Brazilian cost effective workforce
Skilled and educated Brazilian workforce

Access to a Highly Educated Workforce

Tap into Brazil’s rich talent pool, 哪里的大学能培养出工程学等领域的顶尖毕业生, IT, and business management. 这确保了您不仅可以获得熟练的劳动力,而且还配备了最新的知识和技术专长.

Time Zone Alignment with North America

由于巴西与美国时区重叠,您可以与巴西远程团队实时协作.S. This alignment ensures seamless communication, quicker turnaround times, and more efficient project management.

Brazil time zone alignment
Brazil expertise in diverse sectors

Expertise in Diverse Sectors

巴西在包括科技在内的各个行业提供了丰富的专业知识, finance, and customer service. 利用这些专业知识来加强您在巴西人才擅长的关键领域的运营.

Strong Work Ethic and Professionalism

Brazilian professionals are known for their dedication, strong work ethic, and commitment to delivering high-quality results. 与巴西的团队合作意味着获得可靠的劳动力, driven, and aligned with your company’s values.

Brazil strong work ethics
Brazil infrastructure and connectivity

Robust Infrastructure and Connectivity

Benefit from Brazil’s advanced IT infrastructure and connectivity, 确保您的远程团队拥有有效工作所需的资源. 这种强大的设置支持高生产力水平,即使在远程工作环境中也是如此.

Strategic Hiring

Flexible Hiring Options Tailored for Brazil

Fully Managed Outsourcing

把整个业务职能外包给我们,我们会从头到尾管理一切. 对于希望节省时间和资源的公司来说,这种模式是理想的,同时还能从巴西在客户支持等领域的熟练劳动力中受益, IT services, and back-office operations.

Staff Augmentation

通过世界杯足彩经过世界杯足彩来快速扩展你的团队,他们可以无缝地集成到你现有的业务中. This option allows you to access specialized talent in Brazil, particularly for tech and development roles, without long-term commitments.

Employer of Record (EOR)

在巴西世界杯足彩全职员工,无需当地实体. We handle all compliance, payroll, and administrative tasks, including social security contributions, 使您能够专注于管理您的团队,同时以最小的风险扩展您的全球足迹. Our EOR services also ensure that you adhere to Brazil's labor laws, including the standard 30-day notice period for employee terminations.

Temporary Staffing

满足短期项目需求或与临时专业人员的季节性需求. This flexible option is perfect for businesses that require quick, scalable staffing solutions in Brazil to adapt to changing workloads.

Exclusive Access to Brazil's Top Talent

Tap into Brazil’s dynamic and growing workforce with 1840 & Company. 我们的网络包括来自巴西顶尖大学的高学历专业人士, specializing in fields such as software development, customer service, and finance. 这确保您能够快速有效地找到合适的人才来支持您的全球业务.

Our Difference

By partnering with 1840 & Company, you gain access to Brazil’s top talent, enabling you to enhance your global operations, reduce costs, and drive business success, 同时确保遵守巴西员工的规定. Our deep understanding of Brazil’s market, innovative technology, 对质量的坚定承诺使我们成为管理该地区远程工作人员的理想合作伙伴.

Cost-Efficient Outsourcing with Brazilian Expertise

巴西的劳动力市场成本低廉,具有竞争优势, 与其他地区相比,你在哪里可以以极低的成本获得高质量的人才. At 1840 & Company, 我们帮助您利用这些节省,同时保持卓越的服务标准, making your business more agile and profitable.

Expertise of Brazil's Regulatory Landscape

通过与1840的合作,确保遵守巴西复杂的劳工法律法规 & Company. 我们在巴西法律框架方面的专业知识确保您的远程团队完全符合当地要求, including provisions for unemployment insurance, minimizing risk and enhancing operational efficiency.

Tailored Staffing Solutions for the Brazilian Market

无论您是需要临时员工,全职员工,还是基于项目的承包商,1840 & 公司提供量身定制的人力资源解决方案,以满足您在巴西的特定需求. 我们灵活的招聘模式旨在帮助您有效地扩展业务, no matter the size or scope of your projects.

Innovative Recruitment Powered by Technology

利用我们先进的招聘技术,更快、更聪明地与巴西最优秀的人才建立联系. Our AI-driven tools streamline the hiring process, from candidate sourcing to skill assessments, 确保你总是能接触到准备好交付成果的顶级专业人士.


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